100 Day Retreat in Daily Life: Widening our Circle
Please join us for Mission Dharma’s third 100- Day Retreat in Daily Life. The retreat began on Thursday, September 5 and ends on December 13, 2012. Even if you are beginning late, please feel free to join us at any time! If you were not present for Howie’s talk about the retreat, you can listen to it on the 100-Day Retreat Facebook Page. (Note that the audio on the main website is currently not functioning.) |
Retreat Theme
The theme of the 100-Day Retreat will be “Back to School” You can ask yourself what “Circles” in your life you would like to widen. What seeds would you like to cultivate…compassion… understanding… connection… activism… generosity… love… peace… silence... gentleness?
Participating in the Retreat
Those who choose to participate in the retreat will commit to four practice periods each day. The practice periods can be a simple three-minute check-in with your body or an hour-long meditation period. No matter what you choose to do, the practice periods will help widen our circle of mindfulness.
Supporting Each Other
To support one another in our intentions to widen our circles, we will have a few resources available:
1) Facebook- We have reactivated the 100 Day Retreat page. Please feel free to share your experiences with the Sangha and let us know which circles you intend to widen and what seeds within yourself you would like to cultivate
2) Sangha-wide sitting – At noon each day, everyone who is participating in the retreat is invited to do one of their practice periods knowing that you are being supported by the energy of the Sangha.
3) Buddies – Consider finding a retreat buddy to share your practice with. Howie will speak more about this on September 27th.
May we all grow in mindfulness, love, and compassion during our retreat!