Mission Dharma Commitment to Human Rights
Mission Dharma is committed to practicing the Buddha’s teachings, not only in the formal practice of meditation, but also by living the Eightfold Path in daily life. We are dedicated to these practices for the purpose of alleviating the suffering of ourselves and others caused by the three poisons of greed, hatred and delusion. In this spirit, the Board of Mission Dharma and the guiding teacher invite the whole Sangha to dedicate ourselves in maintaining an ethical framework for all of our actions and to live in a way that does not cause harm to any being. We fully recognize that harm is being done to many by deluded and unskillful actions.
Through the practices of wise view, wise speech, wise action and wise mindfulness, we seek to stand up in solidarity and support for all people who are being oppressed and discriminated against on both the personal and social-political levels. Therefore we affirm the following:
• We support the end of racism by increasing the awareness of how white privilege and supremacy and systemic racism impacts people of color in this country and the world.
• We support religious freedom and people speaking out against religious intolerance, particularly Islamophobia and anti-semitism.
• We support all women’s rights (including reproductive rights) and the end of sexism in all manifestations.
• We support LGBTQIA rights and the end of homophobia/transphobia/heterosexism, by increasing the awareness of prejudice and discrimination faced by LGBTQIA people.
• We support and defend immigrant rights and the idea of sanctuary cities.
• We support disability rights and the end of ableism by increasing the awareness of prejudice and discrimination faced by people with disabilities.
• We support our elders and the end of ageism by increasing the awareness of prejudice and discrimination faced by older people.
• We support our youth and their rights by increasing the awareness of prejudice and discrimination faced by youth, especially youth of color.
• We support the end of classism and poverty by the right of all to universal health care, to affordable housing, to jobs with a living wage, and to equitable access to quality education.
• We believe in human-caused climate change and support environmental justice work, strong environmental laws and protections.
• We support transparency in government and a free press.
The Buddha asks us to practice wise speech, and what could be more wise than our speaking out and supporting those who are working for justice and ending intolerance? We also affirm our practice of taking a step back, creating the space and time for clarity and deeper understanding of our inner wisdom. We aspire to transform anger into skillful action, while remaining mindful of our intentions and potential impact. When our wise motivation is skillful, we are more able to abide in equanimity and keep our hearts open to those with different views.
We hope the whole Mission Dharma Sangha is guided by the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path as a foundation to speak and act with wise, compassionate and mindful intentions in these adverse times for the good of all beings and mother earth.
Through the practices of wise view, wise speech, wise action and wise mindfulness, we seek to stand up in solidarity and support for all people who are being oppressed and discriminated against on both the personal and social-political levels. Therefore we affirm the following:
• We support the end of racism by increasing the awareness of how white privilege and supremacy and systemic racism impacts people of color in this country and the world.
• We support religious freedom and people speaking out against religious intolerance, particularly Islamophobia and anti-semitism.
• We support all women’s rights (including reproductive rights) and the end of sexism in all manifestations.
• We support LGBTQIA rights and the end of homophobia/transphobia/heterosexism, by increasing the awareness of prejudice and discrimination faced by LGBTQIA people.
• We support and defend immigrant rights and the idea of sanctuary cities.
• We support disability rights and the end of ableism by increasing the awareness of prejudice and discrimination faced by people with disabilities.
• We support our elders and the end of ageism by increasing the awareness of prejudice and discrimination faced by older people.
• We support our youth and their rights by increasing the awareness of prejudice and discrimination faced by youth, especially youth of color.
• We support the end of classism and poverty by the right of all to universal health care, to affordable housing, to jobs with a living wage, and to equitable access to quality education.
• We believe in human-caused climate change and support environmental justice work, strong environmental laws and protections.
• We support transparency in government and a free press.
The Buddha asks us to practice wise speech, and what could be more wise than our speaking out and supporting those who are working for justice and ending intolerance? We also affirm our practice of taking a step back, creating the space and time for clarity and deeper understanding of our inner wisdom. We aspire to transform anger into skillful action, while remaining mindful of our intentions and potential impact. When our wise motivation is skillful, we are more able to abide in equanimity and keep our hearts open to those with different views.
We hope the whole Mission Dharma Sangha is guided by the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path as a foundation to speak and act with wise, compassionate and mindful intentions in these adverse times for the good of all beings and mother earth.