Audio Recorder Set Up
- Turn on the recorder (take it off of hold) and make sure the battery indicator is full or nearly full. If not, replace the batters.
- Take the three-ended plug and put the red and white ends in the red and white "tape output" jacks on the sound board. Plug the black end into the "microphone" jack on the mp3 recorder.
- If you leave the recorder sitting for a while and it is not recording, it will turn off automatically in which case you need to switch it to hold and then switch it off of hold again (basically turn if off and then on again). You can tell that it is on because you will be able to see the digital display.
- When Howie is ready to talk, press the "record" button and make sure the red/orange light goes on.
- At the end of the talk, press the "stop" button and put the recorder on the "hold" to turn it off.
Uploading and E-mailing the Talk
- You will first need to upload the audio file of the talk to your PC. Use the small USB cord in the bag to attach the recorder to your computer. Once your computer recorgnizes that you have plugged in a new device, an explorer window should open showing several folders named A-D. The audio files of the talks should be in Folder A.
- Open "My Documents" or any other folder where you would like to place the talk on your PC and drag the talk from Folder A to My Documents. This means that you are putting a copy of the talk on your PC. The original file will stay on the recorder. (FYI- You can tell which audio file you want to upload to your PC by looking the date stamp of the file on the recorder.)
- Open your e-mail and attach the talk to a new message.
- Address the message to two receipients: [email protected] and [email protected] (this is Kirth, the webmaster).
- In the subject line, place the date, name of the talk (you get to name it!), and teacher in this format- <YYYY-MMDD, Name of talk, Teacher name>. For example: <2011-0625, Your True Nature, Howie Cohn>. We use this format so that the talks are easy to organize both on the website and in our Sangha e-mail account.
- Once you know that the talk has been uploaded to the website, you can delete it from your PC. We like to keep two copies of the talks in case they are ever lost in transit. If there are more than 15 talk on the recorder, it gets full. Before deleting files from the recorder, please check in with Kirthi to be sure that she has a copy in our Sangha e-mail account.